Advisory on Gradual Resumption of Business Activities in Phases Starting from 2 June 2020
1. The Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced on 19 May 2020 that Circuit Breaker measures will be gradually eased from 2 June 2020, and businesses will be allowed to resume activities in a phased manner. With the phased approach, we are ready to help our workers go back to work and allow businesses to resume in a safe way. We will also work closely together with businesses to identify the new economic opportunities our businesses can target, given the structural shifts from COVID-19. We remain committed to sustaining global and regional supply chains and maintaining our economic relevance in the world.
2. The list of businesses (accurate as of 19 May 2020) that may operate from 2 June 2020 is in Annex A. To check if your business may resume, please refer to
3. The scheduled resumption of business activities from 2 June is ultimately dependent on the health situation. Should community transmission rise, the Ministry of Trade and Industry will re-evaluate the timeline and the businesses that can resume operations from 2 June 2020.
4. Businesses in the industries listed in Annex A do not need to apply for an exemption before resuming operations. Taking into consideration the large number of businesses involved, MTI will grant these businesses a class exemption to resume business. Businesses must submit their manpower details via the GoBusiness portal ( within two weeks of the date of resumption of operations.
5. Businesses must also comply with the requirements for Safe Management Measures seen on (“Safe Management Requirements”) and any sector-specific requirements which apply to them. These requirements include the staggering of working and break hours, ensuring clear physical spacing of at least 1 metre between persons, and implementing SafeEntry to record the entry of all personnel and visitors. Strict checks will be conducted, and businesses that do not provide a safe workplace for our workers will have their operations suspended until they are able to do.
6. Businesses should continue to act in a responsible manner, and not plan or organise events that could draw large numbers of employees or customers, such as “welcome back” sales and parties.
Gradual resumption of activities
7. In Phase One, besides the businesses that have been operating as at 1 June 2020, businesses that operate in settings with lower transmission risks may resume activities. These include –
i. Most manufacturing and production facilities such as those in the semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, medical technology, precision engineering, and energy & chemicals sectors.
ii. Most businesses with employees working in offices or settings that do not require interactions with large groups of people, such as those in finance & insurance, wholesale trade, health & social services, IT & info services, professional services as well as logistics and storage.
8. Telecommuting should be adopted to the maximum extent. Those who have been working from home so far should continue to do so. Employees should only come into the office when demonstrably needed, e.g. to access specialised systems/equipment that cannot be accessed from home or to complete a contract or transaction that is legally required to be completed in person and on-site.
9. In Phase One, additional consumer services will be permitted to resume – motor vehicle servicing, aircon servicing as well as basic pet services. Hairdressers and barbers will be allowed to offer all hairdressing services, beyond the basic haircut services. To support the re-opening of schools, school bookshops and retail shops selling school uniforms can also resume activities. With the exception of those that have already been given approval to operate, all retail outlets have to remain closed until further notice.
Mandatory Safe Management Measures
10. As we gradually resume work and business activities, everyone has an important part to play to keep us safe from COVID-19. For businesses, it means developing and implementing a plan to protect their employees and customers. All businesses must put in place safe management measures before resuming workplace activities, in order to provide a safe working environment and prevent transmission at the workplace. This includes retaining telecommuting arrangements. Businesses can access more information on the requirements for Safe Management Measures at the workplace as well as any sector-specific requirements at
11. The government will work closely with the Trade Associations and Chambers and our businesses to help them prepare and implement the specific measures before they resume operations.
12. Employees also have a part to play to keep their co-workers, customers and families safe. They should practice safe distancing, maintain good hygiene practices such as washing their hands frequently and wearing a mask, do not go to work if they are unwell, and avoid social gatherings at and outside the workplace.
13. Customers should continue to play their part by being socially responsible, practice good personal hygiene habits and comply with safe distancing measures. Customers should expect their service providers to adhere to the safe management standards and high standards of hygiene.
14. Those who wish to report breaches or poor practices can do so via SnapSAFE ( – an app that allows the reporting of workplace safety and health issues to MOM.
This advisory is based on information updated as of 19 May 2020. Download the entire release below including Annex A: Infographic on Resumption of Activities from 2 June.