ALIA Annual Meeting 2024 - Abstracts and Bio

Industry Sharing Session: Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs)

Industry practices are moving towards more sustainable products and solutions, responsible care and consumption of raw materials. These items are becoming increasingly important in ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting, which is now one of the key performance indicators of businesses. The development and deployment of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs) is becoming a key topic in many sectors such as marine, energy, food, agriculture, manufacturing and mining. With the evolving concepts of EALs/biodegradability standards, how will this impact Asia Pacific? Through this member-to-member sharing, we aim to create awareness of the changing trends and concepts of EALs/biodegradability and discuss how ALIA can approach this subject for our markets.

Paul Nai
Senior Director Product Management, Lubrizol Southeast Asia Pte Ltd

With more than 30 years of experience in the oil and chemical industry, Paul has developed a strong background in marketing and sales of fuels, lubricants, and chemicals. Paul joined Lubrizol in 1995 and has held several positions in product management, including his current role of Senior Director, Product Management, Lubrizol Additives, Southeast Asia & Australia, and Managing Director, Lubrizol Southeast Asia Pte Ltd. Paul holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the National University of Singapore. We look forward to his contributions to the Technology and Information Subcommittee.

Member-to-Member Session: The Concept of an ALIA PCF Label

Product Carbon Footprint [PCF] data is becoming an important element for compliance and/or marketing in many industries. B-2-B customers ask their suppliers for PCF data to include these in their own calculations, sustainability minded consumers will compare the PCF of products and services, including these in their purchase decisions.

It becomes increasingly important to ensure that PCF data given by producers is correct and trustworthy and some accreditation labels have been introduced by institutions and private entities to provide just that trust for the buyers.

Nevertheless, there is an opportunity for the lubricants industry to provide a unique assurance to our customers. With API and UEIL/ATIEL providing proven and tailored PCF measuring methods for lubricants, expert data bases give access to carbon data for ingredient of lubricants and companies like SmartTradzt offering user friendly tools to the industry to do reliable PCF calculation based on approved methods and verified data, it seems a good time for ALIA to step up and introduce a label.

The ALIA PCF Label is a concept that uses all of the above elements to compose a trusted badge that our members can use to give their customers the confidence that the PCF values quoted for their products are based on sound science and their methods have been verified by industry experts.

Given support from the ALIA organization the label could be ready for implementation in Q4 2024.

Applicants would need to undergo an assessment that proves that the methods, carbon data and calculations are based on elements endorsed by ALIA. Subsequently they will be entitled for a period of 2 years to display the ALIA PCF label next to their PCF calculation and ALIA would list their products with verified PCF on the website.

Eric Holthusen
Senior Advisor, Technical Development, ALIA

Eric is an independent consultant with specific expertise in Fuel & Lubricants Industry acquired over more than 30-years in leadership positions. He acts as advisor to ALIA.

Eric joined Shell in 1989 in Hamburg, Germany as a Product Development Engineer after having worked in the automotive industry on diesel engine development.

From 1992 he worked on lubricant development in Shell’s research center in Grand Couronne, France. In the 90’s he was also involved in Shell’s F1 fuels and lubricant development for McLaren and Footwork-Porsche.
From 1995 to 2001 Eric worked in various functions leading Shell’s product testing activities for fuels and lubricants in Hamburg, ultimately leading the three departments for engine, emission and road testing.

In 2001 Eric took up the role of managing director of Shell Research Eastern in Singapore and as Fuels Technology Manager for the region.

In 2004 he moved to Shell’s Asia Pacific Service Centre in Kuala Lumpur to lead the regional Fuel Technology Group taking on the additional responsibility of managing the technical implementation of Retail fuels globally from 2010.
In 2011 Eric joined Saudi Aramco as an advisor to their Downstream R&D organization, developed their Downstream technology strategy and started implementing a global R&D network establishing laboratories in Europe, America and Asia.

From 2015 to 2022 Eric served as Group Chief Technology Officer in PETRONAS Lubricants International overseeing Business Technology, Global Technical Services, R&D, Innovation and Technology Commercialization. From 2013 to 2015 he worked with PLI as Chief Operating Officer. Eric was a director of PLI’s joint venture companies in Egypt and China as well as PLI China.

Eric has done numerous publications about future and alternative fuels. He holds a master’s degree in automotive engineering from Hamburg University of Applied Science and completed a business leadership program at INSEAT’s campus in Singapore.

Lithium Greases: Status, Outlook and Alternatives

Lithium-based greases have been dominant in industrial lubrication since the 1940-ies. The key reasons include good overall properties and high versatility of these types of lubricating greases, which has allowed fast growth and a worldwide use. Lately the 75+ years of status quo has started to change, and we now see rising challenges for the lithium-based greases resulting in an increased need of alternative technologies.
This presentation aims to show the drivers for this change, where the lithium greases typically are used (almost everywhere…) and what the current available alternatives are.

Mikael Kruse
Product Manager for Industrial Greases, Axel Christiernsson

Mikael Kruse is a product manager for industrial greases at Axel Christiernsson, a company manufacturing lubricating greases using a private label business model. He has more than 27 years of experience from the grease industry and started working at AXEL in 1995 after studying chemical engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. As a chemical analyst he was involved in failure analysis, QC control and extended product testing before moving on to become a grease development engineer between 1997 – 2013. Mikael has worked in his current position since 2013 and is nowadays occupied with maintaining and developing the range of industrial greases, technical support, and lubrication education.
Mikael is currently a board member of the ELGI (European Lubricating Grease Institute).
Mikael is 51 years old and lives in the rural outskirts of Gothenburg in Sweden. He is married and has a 14-year-old daughter. Mikael enjoys traveling, visiting nice restaurants and meeting new and old friends. Music is very important and even though not playing the electric bass guitar in a band anymore he consumes music all the time.

Revolutionizing Lubricants: PURAGLOBE's Sustainable Approach in the Era of Climate Change

We are in the middle of climate change. That is obvious. To mitigate the impact of climate change, it is our duty to preserve the resources of the planet for future generations and to reduce the emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. One of the biggest drivers of climate change is burning fossil fuels and also the incineration of used lubricants (UMO). But there are other, much more environmentally friendly solutions for the use of UMO available
The current global lubricants market is stable and forecasted between 35 and 40 million tons per year. What we are seeing on a global basis is an increasing demand for API Gr. III base oils as the basis to formulate the highest quality lubricants, helping to increase the fuel economy and thus reduce CO2 emission of combustion engines. It is hence necessary to develop and prove sophisticated technologies in order to re-use the molecules and keep everything in a cycle.
PURAGLOBE as the market leader of the global re-refining industry in this segment is using state-of-the-art technologies exclusively to produce exactly those types of base oils using Used Motor Oil as the feedstock.
Together with UOP, a Honeywell company, PURAGLOBE has developed the HyLube- and HyLubeSAT-technologies and is now – on a worldwide exclusive basis – using these globally unmatched technologies to produce API GroupIII/III+ base oils. On this basis, PURAGLOBE has been able to become the first producer of a variety of full sustainable full synthetic finished lubricants like 0W20 serving the automotive industry and delivering the exact types of molecules the industry needs to fulfill the global requirements:
PURAGLOBE today is the global market leader in the re-refining industry. PURAGLOBE’s mission is to develop solutions and provide answers for global problems.

Andreas Schueppel

Andreas Schueppel has been the CEO and President of the globally operating PURAGLOBE company, based in Tampa, FL, for more than 10 years. Since taking up this position, PURAGLOBE has developed into the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of re-engineered Carbon Neg GRP III/III+ base oils required by OEMs. Since then, PURAGLOBE has pursued a growth path, which has been secured by base oil off-take agreements with global oil companies, such as SHELL, as well as the construction of further re- refineries.

Before Andreas Schueppel took over PURAGLOBE’s top position, he was the head of one of BP’s largest refinery operations in Europe and held various management positions at both BP and Metallgesellschaft AG.

More Encompassing Stewardship for Lubricants

More encompassing views on Net Zero and stewardship are necessary to create policy and commercial frameworks that best enable circular economy technology and innovation whilst giving industries appropriate recognition for their sustainability efforts. Addressing these issues comprehensively can also improve regulatory relations and minimise risks of potentially burdensome regulations being imposed. This presentation will explore these issues for the Asian lubricants industry.  
All too often, stewardship initiatives focus to simply on funding material collections for product recovery or reporting of hazardous wastes (including products such as lubricants that represent low hazard). Such approaches limit opportunities for industries to demonstrate Net Zero, circular economy and broader sustainability principles such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  
Product stewardship revolves around reducing the impacts of products placed on a given market. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) supports product stewardship through a regulatory underpinning that helps to ensure responsible parties pay their fair share of managing a given product. 
ALIA’s looking at carbon footprint as a central issue is encouraging. We suggest that discussions proceed around developing an encompassing stewardship strategy that builds upon previous industry efforts and integrate stewardship, carbon and circular economy to create an optimal approach that industry can proactively support. These can enhance opportunities for bio-oils, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), pyrolysis / gasification and related issues while helping to address broader industry issues like counterfeiting, minimising risks of resource scarcity and keeping more value within the supply chain. 
By addressing these issues systematically and proactively, ALIA and its members can be on a more positive footing with regulators and help positively influence developments. This will position the industry more strongly in line with international best practice and provide greater leverage over legislative developments. We will explore key topics for the industry to address in conjunction with commercial considerations and engagement with regulators and other key stakeholders. These stand to benefit the entire value chain and industry players of all sizes. 

Russ Martin
CEO, Martin Stewardship & Management Strategies Pty Ltd

Russ Martin has over 30 years’ experience in product stewardship, circular economy, public policy, bioenergy and sustainability, both in government and as an advisor to industry and governments. These roles have been in the US, Australia, New Zealand and Middle East.

Primary responsibilities include serving as CEO of sustainability consultancy MS2, CEO of the not-for-profit Global Product Stewardship Council (GlobalPSC) and Founder of the International Stewardship Forum series, including the Sydney Forum 2018 and Paris Forum 2019.

Russ has worked with Australian wool, sugar, forestry, biochar, wastewater and energy industries on stewardship, bioenergy and circular economy, including leading development of the world’s first biochar industry roadmap.

The Role of Re-Refining in a Sustainable Environment

The role of used oil in the marketplace has evolved over the past several decades, both regionally and globally. New processing technologies combined with ongoing improvements in feedstock quality have created the opportunity for used oil to become the source to produce premium quality base oils.

Currently, companies are producing re-refined base oils that align with the requirements for Group I, Group II, and most recently Group III qualities. They are now capable of formulating low SAE grade engine oils and marketed as semi- and fully synthetic.

Re-refined base oils are also sustainable as they represent a closed-loop process where used oil is collected, processed, formulated, and re-used in high-performance applications. Because the base oil does not degrade, it can be returned to the same closed-loop process indefinitely. This is good for the environment.

Used oil has a significant portion that is base oil, in many instances as much as 70+% of the total material collected. It is therefore much more valuable to feed versus crude oil as re-refining produces up to 78% less carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) which significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Re-refining represents a small portion of total base oil nameplate capacity at 3.5%. However, the growth opportunities remain bright. There are an estimated 25 plants globally with capacities of more than 20 kt with key regions including North America, Western Europe, and Southeast Asia. Nearly 60% of re-refined base oil production is Group II and Group III quality, and this will continue to grow with improvements to both feedstock quality and processing technologies.

This presentation will discuss re-refining, including processing technologies, quality benchmarking, and the opportunities with re-refined base stocks to formulate low-viscosity and high-performance automotive lubricants. The presentation will also discuss the role of re-refining in a sustainable world.

Dr. H. Ernest Henderson
President, K&E Petroleum Consulting, LLC

Dr. H. Ernest Henderson received a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Windsor in 1977, after which he spent nearly 20 years with Imperial Oil and Exxon in Research, Marketing, Logistics and Technical Services activities both domestically and internationally.

In 1997, Dr. Henderson joined Petro-Canada as Manager for their Group III research and technical developments, and later was Research Director at Syntroleum Corporation for their Fischer-Tropsch GTL upgrading programs. During his 45-year career, Dr. Henderson has also been Technical Manager for YUBASE Group III base stocks, Fluid Technology Manager for CITGO and Director of Technology for Lubrication Technologies.

In 2011, Dr. Henderson re-launched K&E Petroleum Consulting, LLC. His broad range of base oil expertise includes Group I, II, III, IV (PAO) and re-refined and their application with finished lubricants. His company operates on a national and international basis, specializing in base stock management, strategic planning, new product and process development, Supply Chain management, formulation cost control, raw materials sourcing, patent litigation and training.

Dr. Henderson is a Fellow of the STLE and the Chemical Institute of Canada, a member of SAE and participant in API, AFPM, BLM, ASTM, SAE, STLE, ICIS and ILMA activities. His involvement with these organizations spans over 4 decades as an author, speaker, educator, organizer, conference chairman and participant.

Seizing Opportunities in Vietnam

Vietnam has established itself as a stable, rapidly developing, and high growth destination for international business and foreign investment. Its numerous positive business conditions include a stable political system, consistent track record of high performing economic and market growth, ample workforce of young and skilled laborers, central proximity to East Asia’s top emerging economies, and a relatively open FDI environment. Its business-friendly policies stand out among its Southeast Asian country peers and encourages a healthy influx of foreign capital.

Vietnam has recently emerged as an economic powerhouse, fitting aptly with the ‘China+1 strategy’ as businesses look to diversify their supply chain operations. Geopolitically, Vietnam remains neutral and maintains ties with China and the US and has benefitted from trade tensions between China and the US. Since the ‘Doi Moi’ market reforms in the 1980s, the Vietnamese government has focused on attracting FDI, positing Vietnam as a manufacturing hub and already seek the likes of Samsung, Intel and Lego establishing operations in the country.

Many businesses are turning to Vietnam as a safer or second Asia investment option for certain types of manufacturing, product assembly and other downstream services, rather than countries like China. Recent global supply chain and trade shocks, border closures and lockdowns in countries, as well as higher costs of labor have propelled Vietnam to become more competitive than China in some regards. Not only this, Vietnam’s trade integration globally, due to its numerous international free trade agreements ensure increased economic status and financial security. Its growing income and rapidly expanding consumer base are further reasons for investors to pay attention to Vietnam.
With such fast growth, also come challenges and pressures. At times, policies are not changed fast enough, while infrastructure is not able to keep up. Vietnam’s greatest challenge is how to manage its growth responsibly.

Thankfully for Vietnam, the trade war has created enough push factors to encourage manufacturing businesses to relocate. This has already caused a shift in global supply chain networks with countries such as Vietnam reaping benefits.

Pritesh Samuel
Head of Business Intelligence, Ho Chi Minh City Office, Dezan Shira & Associates

Pritesh Samuel is Head of the Business Intelligence Unit of Dezan Shira & Associates (DSA), based out of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and oversees business intelligence projects in Vietnam, ASEAN as well as India, and China.

Before joining Business Intelligence, Pritesh managed and wrote on business and economic news for DSA’s Vietnam Briefing. His areas of expertise include political and economic analysis, intelligence analysis, business intelligence, open-source intelligence, market entry studies, and risk assessments.

Pritesh manages cross-functional teams across the region, helping clients in their market entry across South and Southeast Asia. He and his team further assist clients in studying various parameters such as the business, economic and political environment helping leads make an informed decision when planning their market entry.

Prior to joining Dezan Shira & Associates, Pritesh worked as a Crisis Manager for a leading global investment bank in India, where he focused on political and security issues, people safety, and business continuity issues. Prior to that, Pritesh worked for a global risk consultancy, analyzing geopolitical risks and providing security assessments across the world for over 90 percent of the Fortune 100 companies and 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies. Pritesh previously worked as a consultant for a software consulting firm in the U.S. state of Illinois, where he helped businesses streamline operations through enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.

Pritesh holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Judson University, in Illinois, U.S.A., and is an alumnus of Kodaikanal International School in Tamil Nadu, India. Pritesh is part of the Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL) – a business-related career and technical student organization. He is a native of Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh state, India.

An Overview of Current EU Legislation on Renewable/Sustainable Economy and Its Possible Impact on the Lubricant Industry

The European Union’s “Fit for 55” package contains a number of proposals for new EU legislation to help the EU and its 27 member states achieve the EU’s 2030 climate target. One of the key industries in Europe is the chemical industry and therefore called upon to contribute to this very ambitious target. As part of this industry, the lubricants industry is also affected, not only by reducing emissions due to friction and wear reduction but also by using less hazardous and sustainable chemicals. The “safe and sustainable by design” initiative as part of “fit for 55” will play an important role in the formulation of modern next-generation lubricants. This presentation will paint a picture of the needs, limitations, and availability of future lubricant formulations in light of this new initiative.

Dr. Stephan Baumgärtel
Managing Director, Verband Schmierstoff – Industrie e.V. (German Lubricant Manufacturers Association)

Dr. Stephan Baumgärtel embarked on his academic journey at the University of Frankfurt/M., Germany, where he completed his Diplom (Master) in Chemistry in 1991 and his PhD in the same field in 1996.

Dr. Baumgärtel’s professional career began at Mobil Oil Ltd. in Coryton, UK, in 1996, where he focused on the development of industrial oils. This experience was a stepping stone that took him to Mobil Oil Francaise S.A. in Gravenchon, France, in 1997-1998. Here, he continued his work in metalworking and industrial oil development, honing his skills and deepening his knowledge.

In 1999, Dr. Baumgärtel joined Mobil Oil Hamburg in Germany, which became ExxonMobil in 2000. During his tenure here, he held various research positions in metalworking and industrial oil development. His roles evolved over time, including being the OEM contact for industrial oils in 2002 and 2003, and later, the European technical advisor for industrial lubricants in 2004.

The year 2005 marked a new chapter in Dr. Baumgärtel’s career when he became the Group Leader for Industrial Lubricants at VSI, the association of the German lubricant industry. His focus during this period was on HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) questions, classification, and risk assessment.

Since 2010, Dr. Baumgärtel has been at the helm of VSI as the Managing Director. In this role, he has been instrumental in facilitating communication between members, authorities, and politicians. He has also been actively involved in organizing seminars and training courses. His work encompasses various HSE aspects, and he leads technical, sustainability, and regulatory working groups at both national and international levels.

UEIL Sustainability Committee Collaborative Platform of the European Lubricants Industry, PCF Methodology Development and Outlook

UEIL and ATIEL, the two European Lubricants Associations, have been joining forces in recent years to drive activities regarding sustainability in the lubricants industry. Most recent result and achievement of this joint collaboration has been the development, publishing and independent review of the “Methodology for Product Carbon Footprint Calculations for Lubricants and other Specialities’ ‘ in 2023. The presentation gives an overview over the development of the methodology by UEIL and ATIEL as well as other related activities in the wider industry, specifics of this methodology in comparison to other methodologies and outlines some of the challenges when calculating PCFs. Markus Garb will further offer an outlook on what happens after the publication, options for further collaboration in our industry as well as how UEIL and ATIEL indend to deepen their cooperation further for the benefit of our industry.

Markus Garb
Vice President Sustainability and Chief Sustainability Officer, FUCHS SE

Markus is a passionate driver of sustainability standards in the lubricants industry. With an academic background in Mechanical Engineering, Markus Garb began his professional career in the automation industry serving as project and product manager at ABB for experimental robotics. Entering FUCHS in 2003, Markus has since spent 16 years in Automotive Lubricants Product Management for FUCHS Lubricants Germany, starting with application-focused technical roles, and successively assuming management roles such as European and Global Product Manager Automotive. Since 2019 Markus Garb has worked for FUCHS SE and in May 2020 he took over responsibility for FUCHS’ corporate sustainability activities and strategy. In May 2022 Markus was appointed to chair the UEIL Sustainability Committee.

Standard Setting for Sustainability and Carbon Foot Printing

Sustainability is a global focus. API published TR1533 report on sustainability by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Carbon Footprinting (CFP) calculation of lubricant products. Today API is progressing the Standardization of Sustainability LCA and Lubricant CFP. The API Sustainability Work Group is restructuring to establish Taskforces to standardize processes for Lubricant Sustainability LCA and CFP calculation; making the process understandable and comparable.

Bill O’Ryan
Senior Manager Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System (EOLCS), American Petroleum Institute (API)

Bill O’Ryan has worked in the transportation lubricants industry for 30 years. His background includes additive package development, engine, and driveline testing.

He joined the American Petroleum Institute (API) in 2022 and is currently Senior Manager of the Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System (EOLCS). Engine Oils certified under the EOLCS program are authorized to display two marks, the API Service Symbol (aka “Donut”) and the Certification Marks (aka “Starburst” and “Shield”).

In addition, he also manages the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Certification Program. Fluids certified under the DEF Certification Program are authorized to display the API Diesel Exhaust Fluid Certification Mark. Both voluntary programs help consumers identify quality fluids for their gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles.

He also manages the Aftermarket Audit Program (AMAP), an annual program in which thousands of engine oil and DEF samples are purchased in the marketplace around the globe and tested to ensure conformance with required specifications.

Bill graduated from Cleveland State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Dennis L. Bachelder
Senior Engineer, Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System, American Petroleum Institute

Dennis Bachelder is a Senior Engineer with extensive experience in engine lubrication and performance. He currently works in the Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System at the American Petroleum Institute (API), managing API 1509 specifications and developing new engine oil standards.

Previously, Dennis held roles in lubricant development, testing, and product management at companies including General Electric, Teledyne Continental Motors, and Fairbanks Morse/SEMT Pielstick. He helped develop proprietary engine tests and set lubricant requirements for gasoline and diesel engines.

Dennis earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His educational background and hands-on work with leading engine manufacturers give him unique expertise in engine lubricant technology and performance requirements.

Product Carbon Footprint for Lubricants, Greases, and Other Specialties – From Business Case to Implementation

This presentation describes calculating product carbon footprints for lubricants, greases, and specialized products, addressing the different entry points for different companies. The first steps for those new to the concept include C-level workshops and strategic management support to provide a basic understanding. This is followed by specific staff training on methodologies and relevant standards such as ISO. Once management is equipped with the desired ISO standards, the process moves to a phase focused on training employees in the methodology. Following these preparatory steps, companies begin the crucial ‘data collection and calculation’ phase. In this phase, companies work to identify reduction opportunities based on technology- and region-specific data sets that can systematically reduce the product’s carbon footprint over the long term. This step is critical because it involves synthesizing the collected data into actionable insights that can be used to formulate strategic approaches to reducing emissions. Success in this business depends on utilizing available data, cultivating partnerships, and delivering business value through trust, consistency and actionability. By understanding the environmental impact of their products, companies can actively contribute to reducing emissions and mitigating climate change.

Raoul Meys
Managing Director, Carbon Minds

Raoul Meys strives to reduce the climate impacts of the chemical value chain while maintaining its competitiveness and value creation. His strong understanding of life cycle assessment, greenhouse gas emissions, and sustainability sees him trusted by multi-million-dollar organizations to help reduce their climate impacts. Raoul provides a unique combination of entrepreneurship, management, and science. His scientific background at the RWTH Aachen University, including publications in Science, PNAS, and Nature, led him to co-found Carbon Minds, a company that provides supplier-specific insights into greenhouse gas emissions of the chemical value chain. As Managing Director, Raoul spearheads business and product development, delivers strategic leadership across the organization, and oversee 15+ scientists, developers, managers, and communicators to drive evidence-based decisions.

Getting Started with PCF Analysis

With much progress made in developing Lubricant Industry’s own Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) Standard (API TR 1533, UEIL, atiel), lubricant industry players now have one less hurdle to overcome in embarking on PCF implementation. Such PCF standards would go a long way in providing guidance and clarity in terms of how to conduct PCF quantification using a harmonised approach.

Despite this, for companies performing PCF analysis for the first time, the task can seem daunting. To address this challenge, the session provides the basic hands-on PCF exercises to get started. Participants will get a chance to practice performing calculations required to generate Cradle-To-Grade PCF. This entails covering Scope 1, Scope 2 and relevant scope 3 components.

Selected key concepts from Lubricant PCF Standards will be illustrated through the case scenario exercises. With the hands on practice from the session, participants will gain an appreciation of what it takes to get started on a PCF journey.

Chee Kong Chung
Managing Director, SmartTradz

Smart Tradzt founder, Mr. CK Chung, is a specialist in supply chain, carbon footprint & decarbonization and digital trade enablement, with 25 years of consulting experience.

Prior to involving in startup, Mr. Chung was a Senior Manager with Accenture and then Deloitte Consulting. Before joining the consulting industry, he worked for Shell Eastern Petroleum. His project experiences include Global MNCs, Fortune 500 companies, regional conglomerates as well as SMEs.

Mr. Chung switched to founding tech startup due to his passion in solving industry pain points and innovating solutions to help his clients resolve operational challenges and achieve tangible business benefits.
The solutions innovated through Mr. Chung’s work spans across multiple areas, where his company received various accolades, for instance, Best Customer ROI Award (from SAP), Best Business Case Study (SBR); Cargill’s Slingshot Corporate Challenge in the Supply Chain area.

His latest area of innovation includes Carbon Footprint, Decarbonization and Circular Economy, which include advanced capabilities such as Preconfigured Templates for All categories of Scope 3 Product Carbon Footprint Value Chain Collaboration Decarbonisation (e.g. SBTi, Marginal Abatement Cost Curve, Supplier decarbonisation enablement)