Key Asian Seminar on Lubricants’ Sustainability Set for November 6-7, 2023 in Singapore
Press Release
SINGAPORE – A landmark seminar, set to address a pivotal shift in Asian lubricants legislation, will be hosted at the prestigious Jen Singapore Tanglin by Shangri-La on November 6-7, 2023. Spearheaded by the Asian Lubricants Industry Association (ALIA) in collaboration with F&L Asia Ltd., the event will focus on the drive to achieve circularity in the lubricants business through the use of re-refined base oil (RRBO) and the precedent of impending legislation that will demand the use of RRBO in all finished lubricants sold in India.
The spotlight shines on the introduction of India’s progressive legislation from April 2024, which mandates blending 10% RRBO with virgin base oils, with an ambitious ramp-up to 60% by 2029.
Over two immersive days, attendees will be privy to insights from 15 industry experts across four panel discussions, diving deep into sustainability-centric topics. From the intricacies of RRBO in lubricant formulations to the broader spectrum of sustainable production, carbon footprint analytics, and the transition to a circular, low-carbon economy, the seminar promises a comprehensive learning curve.
“This seminar transcends traditional discourse. We are fostering a sustainable future and enabling industry-wide collaborations,” said Eugene Chen, who chairs ALIA’s Professional Development Subcommittee, which organized the seminar. He emphasized the unparalleled networking and partnership opportunities the event would usher in.
Eminent speakers such as Mario Majic from Avista Oil AG, Rajeev Verma of PETRONAS Lubricants International, Michael Liang of Afton Chemical, and other industry experts will share their insights and ensure a wealth of knowledge dissemination.
The proceedings precede ALIA’s 6th Anniversary Dinner on November 8, where Dr. Sanjay Kuttan, a leading figure in maritime decarbonisation, will champion global collaboration and innovation in his address. Hosted at the Conrad Orchard Singapore, this dinner welcomes not just ALIA members but the broader Singapore maritime community.
“The intent is twofold: to shine a light on pressing maritime decarbonisation challenges and to foster unparalleled industry synergies,” said Steve Puckett OBE, ALIA’s co-founding director.
Providing value for this dual event, ALIA and F&L Asia Ltd. are offering exclusive package deals. ALIA members can avail both the ALIA Seminar and Anniversary Dinner for US$900 when they register by October 31, while non-members receive a US$500 saving with a package rate of US$1,800.
For seminar details, visit https://asianlubricants.org/2023/08/15/seminar/
For the Anniversary Dinner, go to https://asianlubricants.org/2023/08/15/anniversary-dinner
About ALIA:
Representing the expansive Asian lubricants sector, ALIA stands as a beacon for over 100 businesses, bridging the full spectrum from manufacturers to distributors. Championing growth and promoting industry interests in the Asia-Pacific, ALIA has cemented its place as the lubricant industry’s stalwart.
About F&L Asia Ltd:
With its genesis in 1995, F&L Asia Ltd. has consistently delivered top-tier fuel and lubricant news and events. Renowned for its annual flagship F+L Week, F&L Asia’s commitment to rigorous journalism, deep insights, and frontline facts ensures it remains an industry torchbearer.
For more information, contact:
Phone: + 65 6727 4690
Email: secretariat@asianlubricants.org
Address: Level 35, 150 Beach Rd, Gateway West, Singapore 189720